Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Oink, oink

It’s times like these when I’m reminded of that famous quote from former Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, "there's no whore like an old whore".

What else needs to be said about Stephen Harper’s decision to reappoint Larry Smith and Fabian Manning to the pig trough of Ottawa, the Canadian Senate?

There's an excellent editorial in today's Saskatoon Star Phoenix.  You might want to check it out here.  Stephen Maher, writing in the Halifax Chronicle Herald puts it into perspective for the Avalon voters: "The people of the electoral district of Avalon had the poor grace, stunned baymen that they are, to twice defeat Manning at the polls."  You can read his entire article here.


Government Funded Blogger said...

I have no use for that geriatric waste of taxpayers money.Sadly it will not be disbanded by any political party that comes to power.

ViewPoint2010 said...

You've got that right because it IS the TROUGH to which every political hack or former journalist (it seems) can aspire. Job for life, big pension, stately office and expense account. You'd be nuts to turn it down.