Sounds a bit strange, but it seems that whenever I turn on the radio
(mostly CBC because I like talk radio rather than music-based formats) all I
hear about is murder and mayhem in various parts of the world. It may be chemical gas attacks in Syria, shopping
mall massacres in Kenya, multiple killings in Washington, Senate spending
scandals in Ottawa, corporate rip-offs or the pro-separatist government in Quebec
denying basic rights.
Is it any wonder that the focus on negativity causes stress?
Those of a certain age will remember former U.S. Vice President Spiro
Agnew, who served under President Richard Nixon. Agnew was known for his scathing criticisms
of political opponents, especially journalists, whom he described as
"nattering nabobs of negativism".
In so many ways, he was right.
I listened to part of a national radio newscast this morning and turned
off the radio. I just don’t want to hear
any more of that stuff. There’s enough
doom and gloom in this world already. I
don’t need to hear about any more nutcases with automatic weapons, killing
innocent people and justifying it as some great religious conflict.
Have you noticed how often now you hear the disclaimer before a news
story on TV or radio, “What follows is very graphic and may not be suitable for
children”? My question to those in media
is why do you feel compelled to show it?
The best recent example was the bodies in Syria stacked up like so much firewood. Who knows who was responsible, but you can
believe that both sides were milking it for whatever political advantage they
could get. Media agencies fall over
themselves to promote their story as being “exclusive”. So much of it is staged for the cameras. Sensationalism is the new standard.
Meanwhile, we drink this shit like so much grape Kool-Aid. Think of the reality shows on TV. The lowest common denominator is what
prevails now. I enjoy watching the Food
Network now and then, but even their latest offering is called “Cut Throat
Kitchen”. I guarantee that’s one show I
won’t be watching, along with so much other garbage. It’s cheap to produce and attracts the rubber-neckers just like a highway accident.
As a wise man once said, "Resist the urge to be negative in
thought and word. It can be like a cancer that destroys from within."
Have a nice day, eh.
I'm with you, Veep. None of this mayhem (if it bleeds, it leads) has any appeal for me while the world is in its death spirals.
No teevee now for 23 years and counting and I avoid radio unless of the documentary variety. I glean bits from the web but mainly play music of my choosing.
PS good to see you writing, my friend :)
I agree with you about the death spiral. TV still provides me with a lot of entertainment, especially some of the well-written stuff in so many genres. I could live without it, but it's a nice relaxer after a long busy day. I have a great music collection, but haven't even gotten around to unpacking the CDs two years after I moved in here. Maybe getting that organized can be my Christmas present to me. :-)
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